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錄取通知: 9月15日




本屆主題 THEME

Diversity of Narrative




Ten people can recount/relay/express the same story in ten different ways: chronologically, in reverse, nonlinear, metaphorical, multiple perspectives, etc. 

On how to tell a story, or when to let the readers gain what insights – how much insights, in what manner… all these contribute to the unique charm of a creator. All works need not be confined by their genre or medium, or continuity even, so long as the readers could find a story in them.

We invite all creators and readers on a thought experiment of the nature and diverse forms of narrative. Show us with your creation what narrative is to You.



2. 所有販售物須為原創


1. Books

2. Original goods only


漫畫、繪本、Flipbook、小說、散文、詩集、rpg 劇本、遊記、人物專訪、社區地圖.…..

Accepted Types

Comics, Picture Books, Flipbooks, Novel, Prose, Poetry, rpg Scripts, Journals, Interviews, Community Maps.…..

… 加少數


  • 含二創圖

  • 版權圖片需要標明出處

… & in Small Amount

Non-narrative reviews, research, collections of illustrations, etc.

  • NO fan art

  • Copywrited images with credits


  1. 報名準備

  2. 網上報名

  3. 簽署活動規則同意書 妥善保存申請表副本

  4. 主辦整理報名資料

  5. 錄取通知 可以繳付攤費啦!

  6. 繳費截止 主辦處理後會通知成功收款

  7. 修改資料 修改宣傳圖及組織資料的最後機會

  8. 公布攤位位置圖

  9. 活動當天



• 既刊/過往參展紀錄

• 組織website / SNS

• 新刊內容概要

• 希望相鄰組織名稱

• 合攤請只填寫一份申請表

東蒲地下及二樓 (九龍新蒲崗七寶街 2 號)
公眾入場時間:12:00PM - 7:00PM

協辦:慵懶製作 及 二足步行



Date: 11 Jan 2025 (Sat)
Venue: G/F & 2/F Tung Po
(2 Tsat Po St, San Po Kong, Kowloon)

Public Reception Hours: 12:00PM - 7:00PM
VIP Reception Beginning Hour: 11:30AM
Ticket Prices: TBC

Organiser: Yun Hyun
Yoland Production, Studio Biped

Event Details

攤位選擇 Exhibition Types

A 單人攤位 HKD380

  • 包括 180x60cm 枱半張(即 90x60cm 空間),及椅子一張。

  • 包括一份攤主通行證,最多可再加購額外一份。

  • 將與另一單人攤位共用一桌,適合一人單位或實體商品較少的創作者。


  • HALF of a 180x60cm table (i.e. 90x60cm of space) + ONE chair included.

  • ONE Exhibitor Badge. You can purchase ONE more at most.

  • You’ll be paired with another Solo Creator in sharing the table. This option is ideal for creators who work alone and have fewer physical products.

B 一般攤位 HKD600

  • 包括 120x60cm 枱一張,及椅子兩張。

  • 包括兩張攤主通行證,最多可再加購額外兩份 。

  • 適合所有創作者。


  • ONE 120x60cm table + TWO chairs included.

  • TWO Exhibitor Badges. You can purchase TWO more at most.

  • Ideal for ALL creators.

C 特大攤位 HKD650

  • 包括180x60cm枱一張,及椅子兩張。活動當日可申請加一張椅。

  • 包括兩份攤主通行證,最多可再加購額外兩份。

  • 適合所有創作者,比一般攤位擁有更多桌面空間展示作品。


  • ONE 180x60cm table + TWO chairs included. You can request for ONE more chair on the day of the event.

  • TWO Exhibitor Badges. You can purchase TWO more at most.

  • Ideal for ALL creators, but with more table space to display works.

Gallery 展示板 HKD220

  • 供網絡作者、沒有實體印刷,或想重點推廣自家作品的創作者展示作品。

  • 可展出例如:手繪原稿、版畫作品、作品節錄、創作/製作過程、QRcode訂購連結等。

  • 價錢已包括輸出一張A1大小展示版的費用。

  • 創作者可在展示版上以膠紙或膠泥額外黏貼裝飾,唯增加物不能超過展示版負重或突出超過5cm。

  • 活動當天創作者不一定需要在場。

  • 如放置貴重物品,須自行負責看管。

  • 包括一份攤主通行證,最多可再加購額外兩份。

  • 可單獨申請,也可與攤位一同申請。攤主證配給數量為疊加。

GALLERY display board HKD220

  • Ideal for online writers, or creators with only digital products a space to showcase and promote their creative works.

  • hand-drawn drafts, printmaking work, excerpts, making-ofs/behind-the-scenes, QRcode order links, etc.

  • ONE A1 printing for display included.

  • You can adhere decorations with tapes or Blu Tack, as long as they are light enough to stay in place and under 5cm of thickness.

  • You can choose not to be present on the day of the event.

  • In case of valuable items, you will need to look after them yourselves.

  • ONE Exhibitor Badge included. You can purchase TWO more at most.

  • You can apply for a GALLERY display board alone or together with a table. Amounts and quotas for Exhibitor Badges are accumulative.


  • TWO 180x60cm tables + TWO chairs included.

  • FOUR Exhibitor Badges. You can purchase FOUR more at most.

  • Suitable for small indie publishers, game publishers, retailers of creativity digital equipment and software, etc.

  • You can sell commercially published works and goods; you can also arrange your tables and chairs freely within the designated area.

  • Please request additional chairs or raise any special needs in the Remarks field at the very end of the application form.

商業攤位 HKD1800

  • 包括 180x60cm 枱兩張,及椅子兩張。 

  • 包括四份攤主通行證,最多可再加購額外四份。

  • 適合適合創作相關公司,例如獨立出版社、劇情類遊戲/桌遊出版商、繪圖器材或軟件販售...等等。

  • 可販售商業出版書籍及產品,並可在指定空間內自由編排桌椅擺放位置。

  • 如有加椅或特殊要求可在表末備註欄註明。


報名完成後參展組織會收到一份活動規則副本以供參考。簽署同意書前有任何疑惑請聯絡主辦解難。 申請並非先到先得,提交申請不等於一定錄取,請注意。如申請人數太多,達到要求但未能錄取的組織將自動進入候補名單,取代有人棄權或逾期未繳費等情況而出現的空缺,屆時將另行通知。

  • 活動場內嚴禁販售盜版、二次創作、二手商品、非自行創作之商品。

  • 為推廣及培養人類創意,本次活動不接受「主要由AI生成」的作品,場內嚴禁販售該類作品。


由於場地提供機構考慮本次活動面向一般公眾,及販售物品的內容對其機構受眾可能產生影響,請各參展攤位不要在場內直接展售淫褻及不雅物品。 如欲與讀者交流上述物品的內容,請轉到場外或私人網站內進行。 主辦尊重創作自由並著力維持活動的包容性及多樣性,請各參展組織配合並自律,如對作品分級有疑惑,請聯絡主辦商議。

  • 請按主辦安排的時段進場及佈置攤位,盡量避免遲到及早退。

  • 請友善對待相鄰的攤位、工作人員及參觀者。如有任何爭坳,請積極尋求當值工作人員的協助。

  • 不可用任何「軟」或「硬」的方式逼使任何人購買商品。

  • 場內可進食輕食及飲料,唯不可進食濃烈氣味的食物,並且避免影響他人及會場衛生。

  • 地面不可張貼任何物品,牆身及玻璃只可用膠泥張貼輕盈印刷品。

  • 離場前需自己清理垃圾及移除牆上及地面上的個人物品,將場地回復原貌。如對場地造成任何難以移除的污垢,將罰款HKD 1000 元及主辦保留一切追究金錢及法律責任的權利。

  • 使用攤位提供的電源時,請確保所有拖板及器材均乎合本港的安全規格。

  • 本場次不提供枱布,請自行帶備。主辦單位提供 HKD 20 元一塊枱布的租借服務,數量有限,切勿過份依賴本服務。

  • 本次活動是面向所有群體的全年齡向公開活動,請以友善和睦為原則參與本次活動。我們不容忍對任何群體的歧視、欺凌、侮辱、仇恨的言論及行為。如果你參展時目擊或遭遇相關情況,請即時通報當值的工作人員。

  • 主辦單位有權要求違反規則之參展組織離場、撤銷攤位並不予退款。

  • 活動日如遇颱風、地震、惡劣天氣等天災事故,或因重大傳染病、戰爭、禁運、暴動、訴訟或政府法規等不可抗力因素,導致主辦單位不能繼續舉行活動,主辦單位保留隨時對活動予以取消、更改性質、規模、日期之權利。因上述緣由,非主辦單位之故意或過失而造成參展攤位權益損失,不得以此向主辦單位追討任何損失及全部或部份已付之租金,及要求其相關之責任。報名即視同同意此項規定,不得異議。

  • 攤位上展售之物品屬於參展組織的私有物品。參展組織須遵守香港法例,違者自行負擔法律責任。

  • 主辦單位保留活動規則解釋權及修改之權利,不作另行通知。

Rules & Regulations

Upon completing the application, you will receive a copy of the event rules for reference. If you have any questions before signing the agreement, please contact us, the organiser, for elaboration and clarification. Applications are not processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Submission of an application does not guarantee acceptance. If the number of applicants exceeds our capacity, those who meet all the requirements but are not accepted will automatically be placed on a waiting list in replacing any vacancies that arise from withdrawals or late payments. Notification will be given if this occurs.

  • Sales of pirated goods, fan creation, second-hand items, or unauthorised work are strictly prohibited at the event.

  • To promote and cultivate human creativity, this event does not accept works "mainly generated by AI". Such works are strictly prohibited from being sold at the event.

NO obscene or indecent items may be displayed or sold at the event. Please must make careful consideration.

Due to the venue provider's consideration that this event is aimed at the general public and that the content of the sold items can impact their target audience, exhibitors are requested not to directly display or sell obscene or indecent items at the event. If you wish to discuss such items with your readers, please do so outside the venue or online privately. The organiser respects creative freedom and strives to maintain the inclusivity and diversity of the event. Exhibitors are expected to cooperate and self-regulate. If you have any questions regarding content rating, please contact the organiser for further discussion.

  • Please enter and set up your table according to the scheduled time arranged by the organiser, and avoid being late or leaving early.

  • Treat neighbouring tables, our staff, and visitors kindly. In case of any disputes, please reach out for assistance from our on-duty staff.

  • Do not force anyone by any means to purchase your goods.

  • Light snacks and beverages are allowed in the venue, but foods with strong odours are prohibited. Avoid affecting others. Maintain good hygiene.

  • Do not stick anything on the ground. Only lightweight printed materials can be affixed to the walls and glass with Blu Tack.

  • Before leaving for good, you must clean up your garbage and remove personal items from the walls and ground in restoring the venue to its original state. Any stains that are difficult to remove will result in a fine of HKD 1,000, and the organiser reserves all rights to pursue monetary and legal compensation.

  • In using electricity provided, please ensure that all extension cords and equipment comply with local safety standards.

  • No tablecloths are provided for this event, please bring your own one. The organiser offers a tablecloth rental service for HKD 20 each, with limited quantities available. Please do not overly rely on this service.

  • This event is an open event for all age groups. Please maintain a friendly and harmonious attitude. We do not tolerate any discrimination, bullying, insults, or hate speech or behaviour against any group. If you witness or experience such situations during the event, please immediately report to our on-duty staff.

  • The organiser reserves the right to ask participating organisations that violate the rules to leave the venue, revoke their tables, and withhold refunds.

  • If the event is affected by typhoons, earthquakes, severe weather, or other natural disasters, or by major infectious diseases, wars, embargoes, riots, litigation, or government regulations and other force majeure factors, leading to the organiser being unable to continue hosting the event, the organiser reserves the right to cancel, change the nature, scale, or date of the event at any time. Due to the above reasons not caused by the organiser's intent or negligence, participating organisations shall not claim any losses or demand full or partial refunds of the paid fee or related responsibilities from the organiser. This application signifies agreement to this provision without objection.

  • The items displayed and sold at the tables belong to the private property of the participating organisations. Participating organisations must comply with Hong Kong laws, and violators will bear legal liability on their own.

  • The organiser reserves the right to interpret and modify the event rules without further notice.